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Flexible and upgradable power protection
The modular design of Galaxy UPSs fits all system architectures and allows future modifications:

Increased power ratings through parallel connection of up to six UPSs;


Centralised or external bypass configurations with ratings up to 4.8 MVA for enhanced reliability and easy maintenance using a single manual bypass.


Back up times up to eight hours;


Source redundancy using the Galaxy STS (Static Transfer Switch) and the synchronisation module;


A complete range of filtering solutions suited to every type of installation (Non compensated filters, compensated LC filter, double bridge, THM active harmonic conditioners and phase shifting).

Standard functions

Double-conversion topology with automatic and manual bypass.


Cold start.


Battery monitoring with automatic and manual test.


Shutdown of battery-chartge function, input current limitime delay during operation on generator-set power.


Communication cards.

  • Media Contact 9 relay card;
  • JBus/ModBus or U-Talk link.
  • *

    Galvanic isolation of the normal AC input.


    Installation back to the wall.


    Centralised bypass unit: 250 kVA to 4.8 MVA.